Secure These Rights
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Business
The organization page for East Texans in the Hunt County Area, standing up for their rights and petitioning for a redress of grievances.

We hold true to the principle of Equal and Inalienable Rights, endowed to us by our Creator. To protect us and our rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever the Government fails to protect these rights, it is the Right of the People to Secure These Rights.
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What Would You Like to See?

I haven't posted much here so far, mostly because of time constraints. But since I have at least one supporter, I owe it to you to keep posting content. As such, I want to know what you're interested in seeing me post!

I could write more essays about what I think on various subjects, which would likely require the most time and energy for what you might get out of it.

I can do something of a book club / review, going through classic literature like Common Sense or The Law, or the Two Treatises of Government, which might be interesting if you read or planned to read these books, or if you wanted a recommended reading list.

I can post links to what other people have written in regards to our rights and how we should keep them, which seems the least amount of work for me and possibly the least amount of value to you, the subscriber, and thus would need a lot of posting every month.

So, I want you subscribers to let me know in the comments below what you want to see from me on this ...

Friday, the 29th
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